Preparing for Prep
In the year before starting at school:
Enrolment documentation is lodged in the year prior to entry in accordance with the Department of Education Foundation (Prep) enrolment process and timeline - CLICK HERE.
Foundation (Prep) 2025 factsheet, including process and timeline
Parents/guardians interested in enrolment at EHPS are encouraged to attend a school tour in the year prior to entry; a tour is recommended, but not compulsory. An information pack will be provided at the conclusion of a school tour, or can be collected from our School Office from the beginning of March.
Families interested in enrolling their child in Foundation (Prep) at EHPS are encouraged to attend our online Information Evening (date to be confirmed). This session is about children's readiness for school, getting ready for school, emotional wellbeing, learning and development, and the programs we offer at EHPS.
CLICK HERE for presentation slides from the Prep 2024 Information Evening
held on Tuesday 16 May 2023.
DIGITAL ENROLMENT APPLICATION for Foundation (Prep) in 2025 at EHPS is lodged from 15 April to 26 July 2024.
Placement is offered in accordance with the Department of Education Placement Policy.
Prep Transition Program
Children must be five years of age by 30 April of the year they start to be eligible for enrolment in a Victorian government school. A child must be at school in the year that they turn six years of age (the compulsory school starting age).Starting primary school is a special milestone in your child's life. It is an exciting time for your family transitioning from kinder to the primary school setting.
At the beginning of their Prep year, students attend their compulsory school entry assessment (one hour interview between the child and their classroom teacher) during the first week of Term 1. Their first day at school in week 2 starts at a nominated time between 9am and 10am and finishes at 2.30pm. Depending on the date of the first day of Term 1, Prep students attend school for about a week from 8.50am to 2.30pm. They usually commence fulltime (8.50am to 3.30pm) in week 3 of Term 1.
Our comprehensive School Transition Program is offered for our incoming Prep students and their families.
Four optional sessions are held in Term 3 after placements are confirmed. Child and one parent attend; attendance by booking.
The School Transition Program (three transition sessions and an orientation day) for all children offered a Prep placement will occur during Term 4.
Parent Sessions are held concurrent to the children's transition sessions in Term 4 to provide information about numeracy, literacy and first aid/health care. These are also great opportunities to meet other families with a child starting in Prep.
An information evening for parents of children enrolled to commence in the next school year is held in November. This evening includes what to expect in the first few days of school, what the children will need to bring to school, and a day in the life of a Prep student.
Here are some helpful videos we have created! Just click on each link to view.
Prep 2022 - School Transition Program
Prep 2022 - Story Time with Mrs Bright
Prep 2022 - Story Time with Mrs Zaibak
Prep 2022 - Transition: Specialists
Welcome to EHPS
Welcome Part 2: Literacy
Welcome Part 3: Maths
Welcome Part 4: Specialist Program
Welcome Part 5: Talking to Preps
Story Time with Mrs Lightfoot
Story Time with Miss Davies
Story Time with Miss Misso
Parents Recommend Essex Heights!